Thursday, September 4, 2008

Will Ian Kennedy Ever Win Another Game?

He lost again tonight.

What went wrong with this guy?
Was it the Dorothy thing?

Because if so, we can fix that... with a little photoshop.


  1. 2nd one has "Ace" written all over it

  2. I dont understand. Was Sarah Palin one of the 07 rookies? And why was she wearing the same costume as Ian?

  3. Anonymous,

    The second picture was not real. I "photoshopped" the head of Sarah Palin onto the body of Ian Kennedy from a picture that was taken last year.

    Don't worry about Sarah, though. When you photoshop the head of someone, it doesn't mean cutting off their actual head. She didn't feel a thing, except for the rib-tickling amusement she felt when seeing herself on Ian Kennedy.

    An ardent Yankee fan, she's a frequent vistor to this site.

  4. I dont know if I believe any of this "photoshopped" mumbo-jumbo. I think Ill just go with you being a witch.


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