Thursday, October 2, 2008

Another Day, Another Set of Former Yankees in the Playoffs

Two-thirds of the dreaded Randy Johnson trade (see below) faced off today.

For the White Sox of Chicago, Javier Vasquez proved to be in pure playoff form:

4 and 1/3 innings and six earned runs. All he needed was a grand slam from Johnny Damon (there it is, to your right) to bring back the pure golden memories.

For Tampa Bay, catcher Dioneer Navarro went 1-4 with a strikeout. He threw out a runner.

Oh, let's not forget Octavio Dotel, the great Yankee rehab experiment of 2006. He pitched to one Ray and struck him out.

And finally, what Rays round-up is compete without mentioning first-baseman Carlos Pena, who languished in our Columbus Clippers dungeon for most of 2005, while we squeezed out a final season from 37-year-old Tino (.245) and awaited the coming of the then-28-year-old Andy Phillips. Carlos went oh for one.

They're like the ghosts of Halloween past.

Wait a minute; Anybody want to put together a line-up of ex-Yanks in the post-season?


  1. Soriano
    Ted Lilly
    Juan Rivera

    Seeing Navarro makes me so depressed.

  2. We can do that after Hank sue Torre and his gang for Animal Abuse.

  3. I think a greater challenge is to start a pool toidentify which players on the current Yankees, or in the Yankees minor league system as of end-of-season 2008, will ever see a World Series game in a Yankee uniform.


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