McCain, who has refused to use eloquence, twice charged Obama with use of big words and complex sentences, an outlaw strategy designed to confuse Joe the Plumber. (pictured, below)
"My friends, I could be goddam eloquent, if I wanted to," McCain said, flashing his trademark jack-o-lantern grin. "But I'm talking to Joe now. Joe, when you squat down and bend over to lube a flange, do you want a president who is quoting Rod McEwen or that guy who wrote MacArthur Park? Hell, no. You don't want no fukinay crap. And as president, that's going to be my motto: No eloquenciation whatever. My opponent, he pals around with eloquents. That's sick."
"McCain said, flashing his trademark jack-o-lantern grin."
Is it me, or is McCain looking more and more like that slightly crazed uncle that everyone avoids at the family reunions?