Thursday, October 2, 2008

Open Letter to the LAoA Angels: Et tu, Vlad?

Dear Madams or Sirs:

(Ed Correction: Dear Madams:)

You have now lost 10 straight October contests to Boston.

Gentlemen, ladies... whatever...

This is putrid.

This is pathetic.

This is Metlike.

This is ARodian...

Yeesh. Yank fans spent the last two months, when not bidding on eBay for official bags of stadium dirt, drawing comfort from the stems-n-seeds notion that, "At least the Angels won't stink out the joint against Boston."


Now, we see you now for what you are: The 2006 Sheffield & Big Unit Yankees. Yep, you're "Murderers Row, and then Cano!" the best team in baseball, the lineup for the ages -- and you'll all be home, downloading pictures of Kim Kardisian's butt, by Oct. 10.

Good riddance.

Ten straight losses to the Redsocks in October.

Welcome to Hell.

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