Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A Picture Says a Thousand Words

Killing time here while waiting for the Yankees to sign CC, Tex, Burnett, Sheets, and Manny.

A glance through ye olde photo album sounds fun, no?

Here we go:

After losing out in the AL MVP race to Dusty Pedroia, Yoooouk decides he needs to win over some new voters for next year's cause.

A photo surfaced recently in the AP showing in detail the birth of newly crowned AL MVP Dusty McShorty pants.

Desperate for a ticket, this 'Mother-of-the-Year' finalist does what she has to for a scalper on always classy Yawkey Way. Surprisingly, Theo Epstein's sister (pictured above) gets an all-access pass.

Betcha didn't know Hideki Matsui went to Medical School in Japan. Here, he helps rescue Scooter the Squirrel from the depths of Julio Lugo's ass.

Longtime Lohud Yankees Blog Commentor 'bru' gets a little too close for comfort during a game last summer.

Scooter thinks Cashman should grow some sackage and make offers to CC, Tex, Manny, AJ, Lowe and trade for Peavy.

Since the assault in Central Park last summer, Scooter is now packing heat if and when more Red Sox squirrels show up in town.

World Series MVP Cole Hamels studies the 'scouting reports' with Brett Myers. Dude, what are they, 18 years old? Christ, only in Philly. You know Myers is thinking "I can't wait to beat ta'd'ass after this boring game. Boom, outta here."

Sonofabitch !

Derek Jeter shows us how he really feels about the 'Yellow Tooth Gammonite Emperor'.

Gammonite Jr: 'Right back at ya, bitches!'

This is a 'future photo' of the GM who wakes with a hangover after the first night of the Winter Meetings and Jason Giambi signed for three years and $25M. Paging JP Riccardi....

A picture sayeth a thousandth wordth. Remember, it was our crafty GM, $-man, who said he was ready to go into 2006 with Bubba Crosby in CF. Low and behold, he signs the Cave Man. Reminds me of this winter, with the 'idea' being that this:

is our new first baseman...

At least this is who will be sitting in the 'Friends and Family' Section: His Wife !


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