Monday, December 15, 2008

Introducing the IIH, IIF, IIc Trivia Contest: Contest #1

Although we cruised through the first part of the offseason with much excitement over some major Yankee coinage being slipped in CC's and AJ's stockings, the two months after the GM Meetings are usually a slow period, as we wait for picthers and catchers to report.

Heck, even the always hard working Honest Abe is looking to take a little mid-winter slumber.

However, here at It Is High, It Is Far, It Is... caught, we don't believe in no stinking vacations.

We are how George Posada would put it: 'grinders.'

We're there for you 24/7. Christ, have you ever noticed how early in the day el duque wakes up and starts posting? The man is a cyborg!

So, without further fanfare I am unleashing the first of what will be many Trivia Contests, designed to give you, the fans, the crap I have building up in my office closets that I no longer want. Hopefully, it will also make the time go by faster.

On the podium today is a rare, 2001 Upper Deck SP Legendary Cuts Bill Buckner card with a game-used bat insert. My camera shit the bed, so please excuse the Google Image of BB I added to this entry.

The person that is first to answer the following question will win it:

Before A-Rod became a Yankee, which teams were reportedly involved in a three-way deal that would have sent A-Rod to the BoSox?

The first CORRECT answer in the comments section wins it... We'll figure out how to get your address somehow, or you can email it to us here at the IIH, IIF, IIc headquarters.

BONUS: As a bonus, if you can name the six players that would have been involved, then I'll send you an 'autographed' Bill Buckner bat card!!!

P.S. -- If your wondering why its a red sock card, well... See, I collect baseball cards and memorabilia. I keep a vast collection of Yankees stuff, but every now and then, I'll buy red sock shat, and then try to sell it back to those fools at a higher price. Sometimes, I'll slap a forged signature on there to make it even more appealing. But, shhhhhhh -- don't tell anyone !


  1. Hint: Mags Odonenez was one.

  2. I believe it was the White Sox, Red Sox, and the Rangers.

  3. Mags, ARod, Ramirez, Garciaparra, Scott Williamson, and I don't know who else.

  4. Stormrider6 wins it....

    For the bonus autograph, do you recall the players?

    If not, its cool. Here's my email, send me your address and Ill send you the card.




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