Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Is CC Sabathia's Wife In Line for Yankee GM Job?

According to unconfirmed reports, Federal Prosecutors have uncovered a contract "negotiation plot" that would leave Mrs. Sabathia ( who makes a wicked prune danish ) in line to take over Brian Cashman's job as Yankee GM, if the big guy agrees to sign for $140 million.

As BC follows CC to San Francisco in his hybrid car ( on loan from the CEO of GM ), rumors on the deal continue to explode. CC, for example, will DH where he is not named the SP, according to unnamed sources in the Lower Hudson Valley ( LHV ).

In recorded conversations with advisors, CC seemed alternately flip, boastful and spiteful about the Yankee offer, which he crassly likened at one point to that of a midwestern Governor shopping around a Senate seat for the highest price.

At times, he even weighed aloud about his pending scam; " I've got this thing," Mr. CC is alleged to have bellowed, " and it is ( expletive ) golden. The Yankees will pay anything for me, and firmly believe I am not more than 400 pounds. "

" Well I'm not going to sign their contract for ( expletive ) nothing. I'm getting my entire family goodies for Xmas."

"I can parachute me there." ( WTF ?)

This conduct would make Babe ruth roll over in his grave.


  1. I've already turned the job down so if she wants it, I won't stand in her way.

    Besides, her name is Amber, which is very frightening!

    (Think about it. Or not.)

  2. Amber is our savior. I have now dubbed her A-Sab.


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