Monday, December 1, 2008

Madonna, A-Rod and Me ( I )

As most of you know, I won a considerable amount of money this season in Vegas, by playing the short-side of the Phil Hughes/ Ian Kennedy experiment.

Unfortunately, I recently saw General Motors as a bargain stock and invested most of my " short-side"proceeds in the company that defines America.

Today, I cashed out my GM holdings in the panic, took $823.45 in cash, and headed to Mexico City for some R & R.

As luck would have it, I was on the same Greyhound Mexicana Superliner as Madonna and Mr. Rodriguez. We got to singing and talking about the Yankees, the upstarts at IIH,IIF,IIc, the impending depression ( Madge hopes to star in a remake of the 1932 movie ), and the future of Judaica.

We went to a favorite taco stand of mine in Mexico City where A-Rod and Madonna remarked that they really couldn't be seen together. I gave A-Rod my porkpie hat , some old 3-D glasses I had in my pocket, and my ticket to Madonna's sold out " Sticky and Sweet " gig.

I drank "cervesa" and chewed on tequila worms at a local bistro while A-Rod went to see Madonna perform. Unfortunately, I didn't tell A-Rod my ticket was for the following evening so I'm not sure how it all worked out.

But, if he can't hit in the playoffs, why should I know for which night I have tickets to a concert?

Two days later, I spotted A-Rod at a local neighborhood clinic, ( hitting and fielding for him, a different clinic for me ) where he talked to the wide-eyed kids about staying off the streets and ditching their pieces anytime they plan to go to a club on 48th street just off Lexington Avenue in NYC.

I think it is more than a Kabbalahanic coincidence that three great Yankee fans all arived in Mexico, to party, at the same time. Two are wealthy beyond belief, and I'm still paying for those private Jets the car company CEO's fly around in.

Maybe there is something to this Kabbalah Club? Would they take me as a member?

And yes, A-Rod returned the hat. I would fumigate it, but why bother?

See you all in Tampa.

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