Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Bronx Break-Up Continues

It's almost reminiscent of when a hot chickenhead dumps you for an uglier, poor fella, and then proceeds to tell everyone in your circles and her circles how you fart non-stop in your sleep...

Or were a bad cook...

Or live with your parents still...

Or turn your whitey-tighties into a Yoo Hoo factory on a daily basis...

Or were really bad in bed...

Alas, I digress.

Joe Torre has a book coming out that takes shots at the Steinbrenner family, Brian Cashman and A-Rod.

Yes, even Alex Rodriguez.

Or as Torre claims half the Bronx Bomber Organization calls him behind his back: A-Fraud.

Honest Abe has a take, as do the RAB fellas.

Here's my take. I am going to go out on a limb and say (the next four words are the sole expression and/or view of just me -- in no way am I trying to speak for the 36 writers here at It Is High):


Our time together in the 90's was great. As was the early 2000's.
But then, something changed. As Virgil Sollozzo so eloquently put it in The Godfather:
"Let's face it, Tom, and all due respect, the Don, rest in peace, was -- slippin'. Ten years ago could I have gotten to him?"

Between beating on the bullpen over the years like your alias is Ike Turner, going about two years too long with the brokedown, oxygen-tank-toting Bernie Williams in center (he's not the only one to blame for that), always favoring old grizzled veterans over young prospects regardless of output and production, and poor judgement in the 07 post season with the Midge Massacre, you were slipping.
You were offered a one-year salary with incentives which would have made you the highest paid manager in baseball and you turned your nose at it. And now, you throw mud at the team that helped you to regain some stature, because lets face it, as a player you were great, but those first few managing jobs didn't go so well, did they?
Go ahead, write a book making fun of A-Fraud. No harm in that whatsoever.
But to go after the team in the fashion you did?
Stay classy out there in the NL West, Joe. Stay classy.


  1. I'm going to have to take Mr. Torre's side on this one.

    -- Superfrankenstein

  2. I'll wait for Hank's words of wisdom. It should be entertaining.

    Nobody looks good in these situations, especially the book 'author'.

  3. I'm still scratching my head over the line about A-Rod having a "single white woman's obsession" with Jeter. What about married white women? Can't we be obsessed with Jeter too?

  4. wikipedia:

    Single White Female is a 1992 thriller based on John Lutz's novel SWF Seeks Same. The movie stars Bridget Fonda, Jennifer Jason Leigh & Steven Weber and is directed by Barbet Schroeder, who also directed Reversal of Fortune.

  5. Joe Torre: 4 titles in 8 years without A-Rod, years marked largely by good morale and teamwork even when the rings didn't come.

    A-Rod: zero titles in 5 years, including one without Torre, who apparently oppressed him or something, full of whining by all parties (including, to some degree, Torre himself).

    Hard to side with Mr. Madonna on this one, I have to say.

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