Monday, January 26, 2009

Guest Blogger Keith Olbermann: An Open Letter to John Sterling


Heavy weighs the heart that bears this message.

But we are a nation under economic seige. Men are out of work. Women are increasingly cranky. Children go to bed at night uncertain that, when they get up in the morning, they will still be alive.

It means cutbacks in our lives.

Each of us must sacrifice something precious, as a show of solidarity with the strange, endangered species that we call "humanity."

For you, Sir, the Win Warbles must shorten.

Last year, you set a new record. On Aug. 28, your Sterl Hurl -- "Ballgame over. Yankees win. Thuuuuuuuuuh Yankees win." -- ran an incredible 7.94 seconds. It was the greatest moment in a season of torment.

It's no overstatement to say your Win Warbles are one of the defining acts of humanity thus far achieved in the new millenium. If anything, it's an understatement.

That's why this message is so difficult.

Sir! When our economy was a vibrant young buck strolling down the boardwalk in a wifebeater-T and tight jeans, your Win Warbles lit the very wicks of our souls.

But now, we are fat and craggy and mired in a toothless recession, and it is time for you -- and each of us -- to temper our joy over contests of manhood.

After a Yankee victory, you must look inside yourself to the good person that you are -- the impetuous lover of show tunes and vagaries of the game -- and not break your record.

Sir, think of that Royals fan... listening at home, chewing on his knuckles, hand cupped over the electric radio to get reception... he's jobless, hopeless, balding, slightly retarded, and without shoes, huddling with his children to stay warm and perhaps satisfy some kinky sexual thing... He does not deserve to sit through an 8-second Win Warble.

You, Sir, must change the warble. How about this:
"Ballgame over! Struggle continues! Yankees win. And all us will somedaaaaay... win!"

In these tough times, our nation must come together. Sir, you are the catalyst to launch that healing process. You, Sir, must downsize your warble.
Good night, and goooooooood luck.


  1. How dare you, Groucho, give anyone advice on journalism, or how to report on news or sports. You are not worthy to carry John's "piss bucket", Von Olbermann. You couldn't find an accurate description of news or athletics if you stumbled over it, or you saw it on FOX News...furthermore, you have assisted in the Socialist takeover of our United States, and for that, may your ugliness rot in Hell.....

  2. How many days since "Mission Accomplished" was declared in Iraq?

  3. Spinless Keith who never had a guest on his show who disagrees with any of his view points very briefly moves away from his Bill O'Reilly obsession to take a shot at John Sterling. Who is more over bearing then Keith? No one!!!

  4. Day since last Yankee World Series win... that would do it for me.

  5. Sterling's an embarassment, yes. You keith are an abomination! At first I thought you didn't belong behind a 'news' desk. Now you no longer belong behind a sports desk. I'd rather be embarrassed then hear/watch you spew your attention desperate LIES anywhere again! Ironically you don't even belong behind a blogger's desk!


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