Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Our Rotation, at Least Initially

C.C. Sabathia

A.J. Burnett

A.E. Pettitte

C.M. Wang

J.L. Chamberlain

P.J. Hughes

I.P. Kennedy


  1. I.P. Kennedy.

    A little antibiotic should clear that up.

  2. Im not sure if I want to go with Wang as Posh or Sporty...

  3. Duque,

    Will you get off the Kennedy thing?

    Just because you think he is the unrecognized, out-of-wedlock, lost son of the Hyannis Kennedy's, he is a useless excuse for a pitcher.

    He is far worse than Kei Igawa even with dental work. Chase Wright pitched circles around him and we just assigned him to my Independent South Mexican Dirt field League franchise, where I plan to use him as the taco delivery guy. And only then if he can learn to ride a horse.

    IP Kennedy throws about 55 mph on his best days. Has no movement on his ball, shows no command or control, and the best he ever did for us was take a few weeks off mid-season to marry a USC cheerleader.

    Please do not ever again reference his name or initials.

    Free speech is one thing, but Ian Kennedy is quite another.

  4. Duque makes 1 mistake with Andrew Jones and suddenly the Kennedy haters are allowed back into the daylight.

  5. I've been a Kennedy hater since he was drafted.

    Actually, I think he is a nice young man. And he will have a lovely family, and live in New Canaan, Ct.

    His kids will play soccer. And snowboard in Aspen.

    But he will never win a game for the Yankees.

  6. AJ Burnett? all this time, I thought they traded for CAROL Burnett.


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