Friday, January 2, 2009

Top 10 Most Horrorific Images of the 2008 Holidays

Good riddance, 2008 holiday season...

It will take massive meds to clear my mind of these images...

1. Dick Clark in the booth
2. Joe Paterno in the booth
3. That poor Walmart temp who got crushed by the shoppers.
4. That evil Santa with the flame-thrower.
5. Mombai.
6. Gaza Strip.
7. The Yankees having to beg CC Sabathia to accept $160 million.
8. Blago.
9. Dick Cheney's unrepentant face.
10. The shoe-thrower missed.

What am I (blissfully) forgetting...?


  1. Not sure how to email you guys...

    I just started a new blog as a continuation of the old one. The blog is now called "New Stadium Insider" (

    If possible, can you please link to this site, but also leave the link to NYY Stadium Insider? I had a lot of good stuff there that I am keeping up as an archive.

    Thanks and Happy New Year!


  2. Done.

    New stadium?

    What new stadium? Is there something we've missed?

  3. What about Kathy Griffin in that wig, looking like a transvestite?

  4. They should have paired her with Dick Clark.

    It was terrifying watching Dick Clark. It was like a transmission from a zombie movie. When he kissed his wife, I thought he was going to bite her.

    I mean, you love the guy, and you want him to keep the tradition alive. (Same with Joe Paterno, BTW) But it's like telling Aunt Mildred she can't drive the car anymore. Somebody's gotta do it, or she'll kill somebody. There is a point where the strongest memories we'll have of these guys are the bad ones.

    We will never suffer through the final anguished outings of Mike Mussina, where just the mention of his name causes us to hide behind the couch. That's a grace that few people show in life: Knowing when it's time to quit.

    I only hope that when the day comes that my posts about the Yankees begin to be a bit factually incoherent, or that my unquestioned rampant hilarity is questionable, and that it becames that day, like a day long ago soon over, that I will then be like it was, when I was Dick Clark coaching winning ball at Penn State.

  5. I think Kathy Griffin is attractive in a freakish sorta way.

  6. To reach full equality, women needed a Howard Stern.

  7. We'll tell you (and Aunt Mildred) when it's time to stop driving the car, duque. You do remember what a car is for, right?

    I like how Kathy Griffin calls Anderson Cooper "Andy" and makes him giggle like a little girl.

  8. Andy Scooper is a little girl.

  9. Shoe thrower missed? Laugh out loud funny.

  10. How about Grandma Palin? Levi and Bristol are really working their butts off.

  11. I forgot that glimpse of Sarah Palin jabbering about herself in front of the burly workman who was grinding up turkeys.

    I will carry that image to my grave.


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