Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ardent Fans and Curious Bear Rate John Sterling Worst Among Local Play-By-Play Men

Score this as another victory for the forward thinking owners, writers, readers, contributors, enemies, fans, actual journalists, and frauds at IIH,IIF,IIc.

Our "life-force" and reason for being, John Sterling, has been rated by the Daily News' "Talk Of The Town" annual poll, as the worst of the worst in the NY metropolitan area ...which extends, I believe, to the Pacific Ocean communities in the west, and Latin America to the south.

I quote; " An easy target, I know, but for pure play-by-play, nobody is as inaccurate as Sterling. A line drive that just clears the fence is always, ' it is is is (gone )." And if you are really trying to follow what is going on ( remember, Tom, we are talking radio here ), you'll be lost."

" Worse yet, Sterling constantly tries to make himself bigger than the game, either with dopey nicknames, over-the-top home run calls, talk of the 26 championships or how it is " amazing" the Yankees sell out every game. "

According to my records, there were at least 14 occasions last season, where John directly referenced our web blog, with his famous call, " It is is is ( long hesitation ).....caught..."

" Oh, Doctor," as Red Barber used to say.


  1. Is this an actual article or a hallucination, you drunken coot? If it's real, how about a link to it, numb-nuts?

  2. Leave the Big A alone, you bully!

    I saw the piece online. It's here.

  3. hey, is it supposed to say "far" in your header, or "fair"

  4. I'll take John's HR call over Kay's any day. "See ya?" That's supposed to get my heart pumping?

  5. Hey you can be in Chicago and have to listen to Hawk Harrelson and the Worst Play by Play homer in Sports History.

  6. I prefer Suzyn Waldman.

  7. Harrelson is awful: "Go grab some bench."

    When paired with the oleagenous Spencer Ross for Yankees games back in the last century (Harrelson was allegedly temporarily exiled from Chicago for injudicious screwing around, reportedly) it was unlistenable.

    Watching the Yanks play the palehose on WGN and listening to Harrelson almost makes me want to just abide with the un-synched Yankees radio feed instead. Oy.

  8. This just in: The new 2009 whiteysocks broadcast team is Harrelson and Steve "Mono" Stone.


  9. She-Fan!

    Leave Mr. Potato Head alone already.

  10. Wailin': tread lightly.


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