Monday, February 23, 2009

The Early Buzz....Written Without An Early Buzz

I'm packing my bags for the annual outing to George Steinbrenner Park in Tampa, where I will send " from -the-field " updates to the IIH, IIF, IIc editorial staff. I will be at games on March 6th and 7th, at practice early in the morning, and at the concession stands all day long.

I am already getting twitters, texts and funny faxes from a few guys I know down there at Taffy's Bar and Grill ( name is disguised because several Yankees entertain themselves there after practices).

Here is what my early "Buzz" is about some key players and prospects:

1. Edwar, as this blog has already noted, is hurt. He is feeling twinges in his arm/shoulder, which are similar to those he felt in the last 5 games of the 2008 ( failed ) season.

One can only wonder what magic he was expecting to occur between then and now, rather than having his arm/shoulder checked out by professional medical practitioners. So, after 5 "loosening up" tosses in 2009, he is shut down.

He'll be hurt all year. Don't be surprised if he has surgery.

2. Our famous 6'10" third-year pitching prospect ( former number one pick of the Yankees, Andy Brackman ) is looking forward to a fine year in A ball. We can only hope.

3. Nick Swisher will suffer all year from inconsistency, due to " too few " at bats, and no position for which he is truly suited. I see him hitting again in the .216 - .235 range, and leading the Yankees in K's per at bat. Playing RF on occasion, with his first baseman's glove, will also not prove productive.

4. Derek will have "hammy" problems all year. He'll play through them, in most cases, but the All Star game will kill him ( he will go and he will play, though he shouldn't due to injury ). Those of you hoping to see him play in the grapefruit league should forget it.

Luckily, March Madness will be available.

5. Joba will be "ping-ponged " between starting and set-up all year although the likelihood of this will be firmly denied by everyone from Cashman, to Girardi to Hank and Hal. Nonetheless, Joba will be called upon to close a few games if MO shows any ailment.

As a result, Joba will again not get back to where he dazzeled us in his first season.
Not his fault. Not the fault of booze and Long Nebraska nights fighting off Red Sox fans. Just Yankee politics and poor team skills evaluating and capitalizing on player strengths.

In some circles, it is called, " putting players in positions where they can best succeed." The Yankees do not comprehend this concept.

6. Ian Kennedy will get lit up like a Xmas Tree the first time he gets called up ( if he gets called up.)

If the Yankees have any sense, they will hype him big-time off of some mediocre Spring Training outing against the Pirate's "B" team, package him in a trade, and take anything they are offered for him, including a bag of baseballs.

7. Lefties will hit over .300 against Marte, but opposing right-handed hitters will struggle, hitting only in the .230's. Girardi will get this backwards most of the season as he brings in Marte, in huge situations, to face the wrong guys.

8. Brian Bruney will clearly win the " set-up " role and perform well, prior to sustaining a Lis-Franc injury during inter-league play.

9. Action Jackson will not be coming back to NYC with the Big Club. He will again hit .282 in AAA , along with 11 HRs, 84 RBIs and an OBP of .323 , after a slow start.

I'll let you know if I still feel this way after I go get a buzz.


  1. So you get ESPN in Mexico?

  2. Hey, Alphonso. I'll be at the March 6th game. I'll be on the lookout for you.

  3. Dear She-Fan;

    How cool. How about meeting near the monument displays ( e.g. Mickey Mantle's display ) about 1/2hour before game time?

    If you have been there before,it is a relatively small gathering place just outside the stadium steps.

    Only problem is: I don't look exactly like the guy in the pork pie hat ( keep this a secret!).

    I'll hold a sign that reads
    " Alphonso, " and you can decide about approaching.

    Seriously, it would be my priviledge to meet you.

  4. Sounds like a plan. Can't wait to meet you! (I won't be wearing a pork pie hat either.)


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