Monday, February 2, 2009

Following Super Bowl Excitement , MLB to Encourage Umps in 2008 to Call Penalties and Stop Play More Often

Based on the reaction to Sunday’s thrilling Super Bowl, Major League Baseball Commissioner Bud "Bowie" Selig says umpiring crews in 2008 will be issued penalty flags and encouraged to call back plays whenever they wish.

"Nothing is more exciting than to see a great play, and then have it come back," Selig said. "For many years, our umpires have been unable to call back plays. We think that's wrong. It's time to throw the flag on passive umps!"

In spring training, MLB umps will be able to -- like their football counterpartes -- throw a flag whenever the game moves too rapidly or their interest wanes. Once thrown, the flag will mean that players must return to previous positions, until both teams have argued several minutes, allowing a commercial break and resolution.

Penalties will include holding, roughing the pitcher and encroachment, a rule that will require all defensive players to stand motionless before each pitch.

"The fans have spoken," Selig said. "They want flags, and we're going to give them flags."

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