Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Giant Head Attacks She-Fan!

According to reliable reports, the Giant Head (formerly known as Michael "If You See" Kay) launched a vicious verbal assault yesterday on She-Fan, beloved goddess of the Yankee blogiverse.

Giant Head ought to stfu... or at least limit his inconsequential blather to the usual butt-sucking, second guessing and mindless bloviation.

She-Fan is off limits, Giant Head. Mess with her, deal with us.


  1. Whine about the length of games all you want, Mr. Kay, but remember ... woe be the announcer who gets between Whitey and She-Fan.

  2. Does this mean we have actual confirmation real live humans listen to Michael Kay's 1050 show? Wow.

  3. Thanks for having my back, Whitey. My front too.


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