Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Heller meets Pete Abe

From "Confessions of a She-Fan," by Jane. Page 70-71.

The crowd is beginning to disperse when a stocky dark-haired man in his early forties makes his way out of the hotel and waits for a cab. It is Peter Abraham. I recognize him from his picture on the blog.

Forgetting that I am not wearing makeup or a bra, never mind that my hair is a fright wig and my clothes are soaked with sweat stains, I rush over.

"Hi, Peter," I say, extending my hand. "I'm a big admirer."

What happens next?

1. He claims he's not Pete Abraham.
2. He sighs, then reluctantly gives her an autograph.
3. He claims to have read her books.
4. He mentions the fact that he wrote a book about Chien-Ming Wang.
5. They find themselves kindred spirits and realize they have until sunrise to be together, then fate will take them in different directions.
6. He stares hard in her eyes, sees something frightening, and flees.

She-Fan, tell them? Or make them buy it?


  1. I had absolutely nothing to do with this post, I swear.

  2. Neither did She-Fan.

  3. Let me guess:

    Her hand was left extended, hanging in the air b/c Pete Abe had his hands full of Red Bull and Vodkas, Big Macs, and self-proclamation....

    That, or they went back to the hotel, Abe called Giambi, Bruney and Albaladejo down to his room and they had wild time playing beer pong...

  4. Isn't this a copyright violation?

    I'm willing to take the case on a contingency basis @ 40%.


    Simon Shyster, Esq.
    Dewey, Scruem, & Howe

  5. I think Pete Abe missed the boat. If She-Fan was not wearing a bra, why would he be looking into her eyes?

  6. Simon Shyster. LOL. The answer to the question, just to ruin the suspense, is #6. He was very afraid.

  7. Actually, She-Fan, that's not true. He tells her that he wrote a book about Chien-Ming Wang, and it's a best-seller in China.

    Go figure.

  8. His co-author was Sum Dum Goy, right?


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