Wednesday, February 4, 2009


We traded Chase ("FORRRE!") Wright to the Milwaukee Brewers and DID NOT get Mike Cameron.

We got Eric Fryer, a 6'2", 24-year-old, right-handed leftfield lugnut who was named to the 2008 Sally League All-Star Post-Season team. He was born in Columbus, attended Ohio State three years, caught for a while, made the Big 10 Stud team, then hit .335 last year in Single A.

In other words... considering that we had to trade Chase Wright because he was already waived... this guy must have no potential whatsoever in the eyes of the Milwaukee Brewers. None. Zip. Nada. He signs, hits .335, and then they peddle him for a guy who served homeruns like he will Shamrock Shakes someday at McDonalds. Which is why I like this Fryer guy.

Dissed by the Milwaukee Brewers? Them's fighin' words right there. He's 6'2" and 215, and he went to Ohio State. Do they get those Buckeyes for their batting helmets? Maybe this will be the guy who slams into some Tampon Bay Ray catcher next year and serves up vengeance for Franciso Cervelli. We spit the bit on Rex Hudler. Maybe it's time we got Rex Kern. (Does George still have a thing about Ohio State kids?)

Either way, well done, Cash. Good luck, Chase. Was only kidding, that line about McDonalds.

1 comment:

  1. I hate to say this, so I'll say it quietly; Chase Wright will be a decent pitcher at the ML level.

    He is a lefty and is crafty.

    We will rue this day with gumbo.


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