Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Chad Jennings and Eric Duncan

Been meaning to say this for a couple days.

The absolute deepest best insider stuff on the Yankees comes from Chad Jennings, the Gammonite in charge of tattling on the Triple A team in Columbus-Wilkes Barre, at least until the newspaper folds.

Seriously. Jennings is great. Whatever happened to Reegie Corona yesterday -- Chad will update it. And believe me, we might need Reegie before this season is over.

The other day, Chad couldn't figure out what happened in a Yank intra-squad scrum between the AAA and AA teams, a/k/a the "Players To Be Named Later World Baseball Classic." Nobody would give him a box score. So he called Eric Duncan. And Duncan called back and filled him in.

At this site, we've given great gobs of shit to Eric Duncan. Why? He didn't turn out to be a star, and that's all we wanted from him. But Duncan took the time to return a call and tell a hustling sportswriter some information that his organization -- which has staffers who are supposed to do that -- didn't do. That was a nice gesture.

Duncan's never going to be the star we wanted. I still remember him cleaning up in the Arizona Instructional League a few years ago, when Baseball America rated him our best prospect, and I penciled him in at 1B with 30 HRs for the next 5 years. Tino Duncan.

Well, maybe he brings something else to the organization, and maybe we've been too hard on him. (OK, Alphonso, I know you'll disagree here. But you're just angry because your bailout money hasn't arrived yet.)

So Eric Duncan -- if you're reading this -- don't bother coming to this blog again, because we'll just be saying stuff that pisses you off, because we're angry and we lash out at the people nearest to us, the people we love -- the Yankees. But we saw what you did. We noticed. It didn't go off into the ether and vanish.

Now, get some hits and get to Kansas City, and have a MLB career.

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