Sunday, March 22, 2009

Please Don't Tell The Daily News About His Meth Lab, His Tainted Chinese Milk Distributorship Or The A.I.G. Bonuses Hidden In His Rape Dungeon

"In regard to Alex, all I can say is our paths have definitely crossed personally and professionally."


  1. Can't this guy stop being the center of attention even when he's not with the team? He's like the Yankee undead...every time you think he's gone, he comes back to grab the headlines. On the other hand, I now understand why the Interactive Yankeetainment Experience had to be, externally, almost twice the size of Yankee Stadium: storage for A-Rod's baggage and doorways wide enough to accommodate his ego.

  2. I hope it doesn't leak out the he co-wrote the Pope's position piece about Africa.

  3. Nope, he's breeds birds for Cock fights and is running the biggest cock fighting arena in the world out of his Miami house.

  4. Its amazing how Arod is the first baseball player to do this stuff.

  5. A-Rod and his publicity team are simply preparing the media for a grand return to the New Stadium.

    I will have predictions about his first game back.

    But not until he is off the slopes.


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