Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A-Rod's Fluid-Filled Growth Could Keep Him From WBC


Here we go. According to Honest Abe, via the NYT, New York Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez has a cyst growing on his hip.

Here is the statement from the Yankees:

"New York Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez will fly to Vail, Colo., on Wednesday, and will be examined and evaluated by Dr. Marc Phillipon, a hip specialist at Steadman-Hawkins Clinic.

After experiencing right hip tightness and stiffness this spring, Rodriguez was examined by Dr. Chris Ahmad, the New York Yankees team physician on Saturday in Tampa, Fla. An MRI examination—also administered on Saturday—revealed the formation of a cyst in the right hip. Dr. Ahmad determined that a follow-up examination with a hip specialist should be scheduled.

The Yankees contacted Dr. Phillipon on Saturday to schedule an appointment, and Wednesday (tomorrow) was the first day he could be seen in his office."

Interesting how Dr. Phillipon can't get A-Rod in for an appointment until Wednesday.

Wednesday? What, is this guy from Braintree or something? Did he grow up in Bangor? Or Stowe?

One of the richest and most infamous athletes in the world and he can't get an appointment until Wednesday?!?!

On a side note, Yankees Media Relations Director Jason Zillo must just be sick of having to type the name Alex Rodriguez about every three days by now, eh?


  1. Batting cleanup, the thirdbaseman... Cody Ransom.

  2. Ol Abe mentioned this on his site:

    Would you trade ARod for David Wright, straight up?

    Hell-- I'd throw in Ian Ass Face Kennedy, The Leche Man and $50M!

  3. How about us bloggers? I have to type the name Alex Rodriguez about once every hour at least.

  4. I can think of worse places to have a cyst. I hope this doesn't stop him and Madge from procreating the finest specimen of all time...I for one am rooting for this relationship to go to the next level, cyst or no cyst.

  5. "Would you trade ARod for David Wright, straight up?"


    Arod is better.

    Arod pays for himself.

    The media did this before steroids to Arod. If he wasnt here they would be doing it to someone else. At least Arod can win an MVP while he takes all this from the media.

  6. I think he should take more steroids and turn that cyst into a watermelon.

    Then, he could have the melon lanced by lasers.

    The only "price " for this procedure would be that the seeds have to be extracted one-by-one through normal urine eliminations.

    Could be painful for A-rod, could keep him and Midge apart for a while, but it would be a hoot watching him spit out those seeds on the bench.

    Personally, I would like A-Rod to become our first "stealth " player. Where he is in the game, but has no uniform number, is not acknowledged on the PA system, and where no records are kept of his at bats, fielding, OBP or anything.

    No mentions in the media until the WS is over.

    Let's re-sign him and bump up his contract.

  7. Lay off A-Rod! He didn't pour Miracle Gro on his hip? Or did he?


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