Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Another Hate Letter to the Editor

FLORIDA TODAY (Brevard County, Florida)
April 26, 2009 Sunday

Dear Editor,

FLORIDA TODAY columnist Al Neuharth just doesn't get it.

His adulation piece April 17 on his buddy George Steinbrenner starts with a false statement that the Yankees are the "most loved and most hated team in Major League Baseball."

It is false, because if he went to Chicago, he would find the Cubs are the most loved team.

Similarly, if he went to Boston, he would find the Red Sox are the most beloved team.

The second part of the falsehood is saying the Yankees are the most hated team. The Yankees are the only hated team. Why? Because the Boss buys the team and indiscriminately fires winning managers.

Al concludes the Yankees will do better in the house the Boss built than in the one the Babe built.

But his stats say Babe was there 15 years for six World Series, and the Boss has been there 35 years for 10 World Series. Seems like if it were proportional, the Boss would have at least 13 Series.

Jon Campbell
Indian Harbour Beach


  1. I, too, am fed up with The Boss indiscriminately firing winning managers! It's about time somebody stood up and said something!

  2. Bruce SpingsteinbrennerApril 29, 2009 at 1:05 PM

    Sit down, Tom.

  3. Make the World a better place and punch Jon Campbell in the face!


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