Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Bend Over, Joba: The Smoking Gun Got Your DWI video

DWY, or Driving While a Yankee.

I don't know how to feel about this. One side says he could have killed somebody, so throw the book at him, make it hurt, and maybe he grows up vowing never again.

Other side says, it's open season in America on the Yankees right now, and that's not fair.

Arod's carrying the collective shame of 104 players. Teixeira's being booed in his hometown for not accepting a lowball bid. Now Joba's DWI film is on the Internet. I don't recall Lindsay Lohan's DWI video. I don't recall Paris Hilton's. Somehow, they got Joba's.

This is what's coming, folks. It's going to be like this all year.

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