Thursday, April 30, 2009

John's Back: 6.09-second Win Warble shows the Bomber Bleater can still bellow

John Sterling tonight brought his "Thuuuuuuuuugh" game to the Tarzan Turf of the new House that Ruthlessness Built, delivering a serviceable, workmanlike 6.09 second win warble.

He's getting his chops back.

Listen to The Master hold thuuuuuuuuuuuugh note. He clutches it. He makes love to it. He makes it his bitch. This is a man who can "Thuuuuuuuuuuuuugh."

All he needs to do is take a deep breath before crunching out the word, "Winnnnnnnnnn."

By June, he'll be reaching seven seconds.

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