Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Open letter to the Yankee blogosphere ...

To our fellow Yankee bloggers:

Tomorrow is the grand opening of the New Yankee Stadium. It will have all the sights, sounds and smells that have defined baseball in this country for more than 100 years -- the smell of fresh-cut grass; the crunch of peanut shells under your feet; the delicate flavor of ahi tuna prepared with fresh herbs, minced shallots and a port-wine reduction served over creamed risotto; and a giant concrete barrier separating the rich from the great unwashed masses.

But one thing will be missing. The Yankees deemed the advertisement for a book written by fellow blogger She-Fan too "controversial" to be published in the Opening Day program (This from a team that will happily trot out AROD at third base once the needle hole in his ass heals).

Controversial? All She-Fan has done on her blog and occasional New York Times article is continuously profess her undying love for the New York Yankees (well, that and post videos of her spring-training dinner with an almost-sober Alphonso). How does the object of her affection pay her back? By saying "thanks, but no thanks" to an ad for her book.

The Yanks are depriving 50,000-plus fans the chance to find out about a book that is destined to be remembered as one of the great works of U.S. literature (at least I'm sure I'll feel that way after I read the book. I really do plan to read the book, She-Fan; in fact, I just recently saw it in a local bookstore and thought, "I've got to buy that," but I only had $6 on me and still had to buy lunch at Taco Bell and ... well, I digress).

Well, if the Yankees won't run it, we will. How about you? On Thursday, the day of the home opener, let us in the Yankee blogosphere post, on our Web pages, the ad (it's below). So, if you've got a blog, post the ad tomorrow. If you know a Yankee blogger, show him/her this inane rambling and tell them to post the ad.


  1. better yet, print the ad and drop it in the stadium

  2. Is that her on the cover? Or Mrs. Matsui?

  3. Ive uploaded this book to the for anyone interested. Download and enjoy!

  4. What a great idea. I was thinking of hiring some kids in the Bronx to put the ad in the windshields of all the Maybachs in the VIP parking lot, but this is genius.


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