Saturday, May 30, 2009

Forget Employee of the Month. Can someone please explain something important: why Daniel Brewer, our low Single A star, is a fullltime DH?

(I didn't electioneer for a certain person to win Yankee Employee of the Month. I don't work that way. And I don't appeciate it when certain individuals pursue their own certain agenda in influencing certain public opinion polls. It cheapens the message. It lessens us. I'm not attacking. I'm stating fact. OK. Let's move on. Let's pretend it didn't happen. Next issue: Let's consider something important.)

Daniel E. Brewer: Our big man in Charleston. He's 22.

He's leading the South Atlantic League in hitting.

As a DH.

OK, now... I am a fool. I am a simple man. Me know nothing.

There are respectable Yank sites out there, tactical field generals of the game, doctoral scientists in Yankeeology, Steve Trout-Hawkings mathematicians who know all and understand these matters. So please, please, splain to me why we have a 21-year-old prospect -- 8th round pick last year out of college -- DHing at Charleston.

Is he hurt? Are we overpopulated at his position? (Because we don't list another position for him!) Are we drafting players who cannot field at age 20?

Because it seems to me the Yanks are the one team that's always going to have 40-year-old guys ready to do nothing but DH.

So now we're drafting them?

Nahhhhh. Can't be. Has to be a good reason. Please. Somebody splain to me. Class? Somebody?


  1. The hell with you, Whitey and SuperFrankenstein. I don't give a damn about who wins some stupid poll. At least I didn't cheat by electioneering. So let's think of more important matters, like who's winning the Single A batting championship.

  2. Electioneering? You'd better not be talking about me. I said outright, "I Am Not Telling You To Click The Button For John Sterling. I Would Never Try To Influence Your Vote." In a HEADLINE. Was the print too small for you?

  3. So are you going to post a WinWarble tonight, or are you just going to sulk?

  4. Why would anybody want WinWarbles now. When the Curse hits, laryngitis sets in, and there won't be any more warbles to chart, will there?


  6. Vladimir Ilyich GammonsMay 31, 2009 at 8:32 AM

    He's not just a DH. He's also a corner outfielder. And you know how scarce they are in Yankee land.

  7. Let's not lose site of the fact that the Yankees have the worst, most incompetent, consistently useless group of failures running their amateur drafts.

    As a result, of course we are drafting top prospects to DH.

    We are doing the same in our Latino raids; see Jesus, for example.

    Jesus has no position. He doesn't even have a glove, anymore.

    And our UCLA student-athlete ( last year's number one Yankee selection ) is another example.

    I say: let's "bag the amateur draft " entirely. It only serves to humiliate the Yankees and enhance the Red Sox.


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