Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Can We Please Get Real?

Our bullpen is pathetic. And, therefore, our team is pathetic unless we score 11 or more runs early.

We have had about 12 relief pitchers try to bring the game from a starter's work to MO and, with the exception of a few accidents, we consistently fall apart.

We dumped two of the worst ( Edwar, Albaladejo ), but still have mostly garbage available.

Phil Coke has yet to pitch an inning without giving up a home run. He is a joke. A confident, arrogant coke joke.

The only lefty with less ability in the Yankee organization is Damaso Marte, who has never gotten any hitter out for the Yankees. Nice work, again, on the trade front, Cash.

Can't wait until Joe gets to use this fine veteran again. The BA of lefties against Marte as a Yankee is close to .450 , I think.

Last night, the competency cover blew off "Ace" Aceves, as he sent the game out of reach in a flash.

And Veras is far worse than "Ace." Enough said.

Bruney is soon to get his TJ badge at Birmingham Hospital, so we can write him off for the year.

I used to hold out hope for Melancon and Robertson, but they have imploded quickly with every opportunity handed to them.

Sidebar: Is it a positive sign that Robby ( Joe's handle for Dave Robertson ) threw a good inning last night in a blow-out against us? Don't count on it.

And let's re-visit the grand decision to use Joba as a starter. He now looks as if he is in a race with Chin Ming to see who can put the Yankees in a huge hole the earliest.

Does he look confident? Dominating? Impossible to hit? Is he pitching like that dude on the Dodgers who is 7-1 with an ERA under 1.00? Is he looking like a future Ace?

The qualities of greatness which Joba showed in his rookie year only surfaced when Joba was setting up MO.

So why would we want to repeat that success? Rather, let's FHU totally ( U= "up" for those puritans in the audience) by asking him not to do that at which he excells.

In that case, why not play him in centerfield for a while? Or let him DH?

Now, with Bruney out, and no one who can pitch either the 7th or the 8th, let's keep trying more guys from AAA who can't throw strikes. It is the perfect skill set for Yankee relievers. Come in and walk guys.

Like Bimko or Bombko (or whatever his loser name is) who walked a Phillie with two outs and no one on, in his first inning of relief and cost us the game.

Third place awaits.

1 comment:

  1. I don't want to get real, Alphonso. I want to live in a world where all our bullpen pitchers are lights out, where Joe calls on exactly the right guy at the right moment, where Mo gets the ball in the ninth and retires the side in order, where little children sing and cats get along with dogs and.....OK. I'm done.


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