Monday, June 8, 2009

IIH World Premier: "WinWarble Song" by the Deadly Spinners (lyrics by John Sterling)

I am choosing my words very carefully:

This is the greatest thing that ever happened.

Turn it up.


  1. I am anxiously awaiting the length of tonight's win warble... I'm positive it's above the Healy Line but I'm hoping it's not too much above.

  2. Have to wait until tomorrow, Adam. I was putting up the WinWarble song, and they haven't archived the game yet. My sense is he beat Healy, but not Johnny Weismuller.

    Check out this song. From now on, we're playing it every time the Yankees win.

  3. Ooh but it's so tense. Tonight's game had a special event that I'm not sure how excited John got about: a lead-extending run when close (<3 runs lead) in the 8th or later. My guess is 5.17 seconds but it could really go much (.3 seconds) higher or lower, although the last at-bat K helped things tremendously.

    The song is fantastic, btw. I think I'm going to burn it to a CD and play it on repeat in my car.

  4. Excellent song. Almost as good as Enter Sandman.


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