Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A J-Bomb from Sterl-Rod... John's Index stands below the Fran Healy line

The WinWarble Index plunged to the third-lowest score this year, following a 12-3 victory over Texas. In the game, John mistakenly called a home run by Hideki Matsui "an A-Bomb..." but recovered in time to keep the Yankee rally alive.

Still, a meager 4.15 WinWarble...

We need a walk-off victory, and we need one soon.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Drudge Style:

    Adam's Updated NYSI Analysis is coming... there have been some exciting new developments in the field of assessing and predicting NYSI values... expert SterlHurlologists (now an accepted field for PhD candidacy) say new metrics may have been invented... more to come later this week...

    (UPDATE) Adjusted R-square value may approach .7 soon...


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