Monday, June 29, 2009

John rallies for historic Mariano save with 5.47-second WinWarble

It's sad that we would describe a 5.47-second John Sterling WinWarble as a positive event. Last year, the Master repeatedly nailed 6.00 seconds on the Warbletron, and the team didn't even make the playoffs.

But after a month-long slump, John last night warbled over the Fran Healy (5.00) line to signify a restoration of confidence in the basic fabric of the known Yankiverse.

Will it last? People ask us this all the time. But these things, like baseball, simply cannot be predicted. No matter who you are, YOU CANNOT PREDICT WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN WITH A WINWARBLE.

Last August, following a victory over Boston, John came within a throat-hair of 8.00 seconds -- something humankind may never hear.

We're no longer wondering if we will ever get that magical, mythical 8.00.

Can John get back to 6?

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