Sunday, June 28, 2009

John's WinWarble: Barely a Win

Once again, the Jeep-driven Voice of the Yankees last night warbled short.

You'd have expected John to crush one, after we beat Buffalo 5-0, but he grumbled what appeared to be a 4.65-second self-expression of loathing -- well below the Fran Healy Line of 5.00. It's John's third straight below-Healy WinWarble, and Brian Cashman must be wondering if we can expect Sterling to be hurling come August.

Has he lost it? Is he saving it? Perhaps it's the setting of Citi Field, which requires him to hurl directly into the ears of people who are practically copulating. But we have to start looking to the future.

Do we have a warbler in Scranton? Can Suzyn take a shot? Is Bob Gamere still alive? We gotta shake things up.

1 comment:

  1. Gamere is alive and well and awaiting trial.


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