Monday, June 1, 2009

Not Yankee-Related, But Awesome

Seattlite and Hall-Of-Famer Buhner's Ghost tips us to an incident that involved two Mariners over the weekend:
Ken Griffey Jr. has found Ichiro's "tickle spot" and had him on the ground, during warm-ups, tickling him until Ichiro could be heard crying out in laughter and pleading for him to stop.
Seattle Times


  1. Psychologist FonzieJune 1, 2009 at 5:04 PM

    Hey SUPERF......

    You get these insights because you used to live there, right?

    I've never seen a Japanese ballplayer laugh.

    Or pee himself from so doing in pre-game warm-ups.

    You are very luck.

  2. One night in Cincy, Griffey found my tickle spot. From then on, he never let up. Believe me: You do NOT want Ken Griffey finding your tickle spot.


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