Thursday, June 4, 2009

Sterling Index climbs back above Healy line

Today, John battled hard to silence the boo-birds and bring his A-lungs to the big park.

A six point one eight WinWarble.

Strongest in a week. Seventh longest this season.

Question: Are his WinWarbles stronger on day games?

We know he warbles longer on the natural surface, as opposed to artificial turf. We don't yet have a fix on the impact of the new Yankee Stadium, which elongates fly balls but not necessarily WinWarbles.


  1. I'm currently looking into a theory I have that involves the effect of dramatic changes in air pressure affecting the tension of the vocal cords. If I'm right, Sterling may be experiencing decreased warbles on travel days due to the compression on planes.

  2. I'll check the variability that day games present in my next update, too. My guess is that it will prove to be statistically insignificant if there's any correlation at all, but it's something to note regardless.


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