Saturday, June 13, 2009

Who needs walk-offs! Drop-off victory inspires John to hit perfect 7.00 WinWarble

A stunned John Sterling, recovering from the certainty of defeat, roused his aching lungs to a 7.00-second WinWarble Friday, the 2nd time this season that the fabled Voice of the Yankees reached the magical 7 mark.

He powered 7.19 seconds against Baltimore in early May.

The drop-off victory, courtesy of Mets 2B and future Yankee Employee of the Month candidate Luis Castillo, also produced a prequel, in which Sterling temporarily returned to the 1960s with an acid-flashback expression seldom heard in pinstriped lore.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. do you have the entire call from when castillo dropped it on... i missed sterlings amaaaaaazing calls last night because I was at the game....


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