Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Bet the house on the Yanks tonight: Karl Malden is dead.

The streak is alive.

Ed. Farrah. Michael. Billy. Fred. Gayle... and now, KARL.

Five and oh, baby! Ride that magic coffin!

EDITOR'S NOTE: We at IIH take no joy from reporting this tragedy. Karl Malden was a great actor. We'll never forget how he handled the punk-upstart Michael Douglas every week in "The Streets of San Francisco." We could have done without his American Express commercials, but -- hell -- a guy has to put bread on the table. It's not like he was Darren McGavin.

EDITOR'S EXTRA NOTE: By no means should anyone think that we would cheer the notion that the Yankees would win mere baseball games by sucking dry the electromagnetic life forces of cherished American stars of stage and screen. It sickens us to have people suggest such things. It's just wrong.

EDITOR'S FINAL NOTE: Make no mistake about this: It is a dark period for the Yankiverse. Today, we are all Marlins.

But, hey, two games out, baby! You know who's really mourning today? BOSTON.


  1. We don't have an editor.

    Anyone who reads the site knows that.

  2. Wow... great feeling to know the wheels on the star hearse keep rolling.

    Let's go Yankees! Celebs are dying so that you may succeed - cherish them. Honor them.


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