Friday, July 31, 2009

Could Phil Hughes be the first dual IIH YANKEE EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH on the same day he is traded?

Ain't sayin' it'll happen... but... this is sort of scary.


  1. Alph is already drinkingJuly 31, 2009 at 1:57 PM

    I think the real danger is that Hughes and Igawa might be dual winners and both be included in the same trade.

  2. NO!!! Hughes is too valueable to the Yankees to be EOTM. Give it to A-OK again.

  3. Scott's Ghost is right.

    Everyone who voted for Hughes must be a Red Sox supporter...and, therefore, evil and perverted.

    If any "normals" voted for Hughes, please rescind that vote today!!!!

  4. Red Sox are not aquiring Adrian Gonzalez; Yankees Universe breathes a collective sigh of relief. As long as Cashman does nothing then we've got the AL East in the bag.

  5. All joke votes aside. How the hell does Hinske have more votes then Arod?

    I understand its one of the first times we got to enjoy Hughes so hes hot now. And Gardner is getting some pity votes.

    Montero too actually. Thats not a joke vote or pity vote.

    Who the hell voted for Montero and Hinske over Alex? You do remember what its like without him right? This is his team. Dont forget it scum bags.

  6. You haven't been around these parts much, have you? You don't know about what happens to the people who win this award yet. You'll learn.

  7. Are you crazy? I invented that. Show some respect.

  8. Ill stalk you. Dont test me.


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