Friday, July 31, 2009

Happy Hairston

We yet Jerry Jr., an older Cody Ransom, from Cincy, for Something to Be Named Later.


  1. Ok what if I throw in J Hairston too?

  2. Actually they are the same age (Ransom's 3 months older), and Hairston is way more versatile.

    I understand that it must be hard to be accurate while trying to be pessimistic about this team, though...

  3. Wooooh you gunna take that duque?

  4. Actually, I started filing at 3:59 p.m., one minute under the Lie Deadline.

    So, tough titty said the kitty with the milk so dry.

  5. We are top gun alphJuly 31, 2009 at 8:41 PM

    Jerry Hairston is replacing Cody?

    I thought he was a wide receiver for the Raiders.

    And why is Ramiro Pena still in hell?

    I think Cashman has pulled off another coup/

    A 45 year old never was/has been to bolster our chances.

    I'll take him over Victor Martinez any day.

  6. What gets named later, I have learned, is a bag of sliders from White Castle.

  7. Fresh or frozen?

  8. There is nothing Cincinnati has that is worthy of being named later or otherwise.


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