Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Happy Halla Day

Today, Toronto spikes one of the 2009 pennant races by dispatching Roy Halladay for a bunch of young players it will be trading at the 2011 deadline.

Way I see it, for Phil Hughes, Austin Jackson and Jesus Montero, we could get him.

For Clay Buckholtz, Jacoby Ellsbury and Daniel Bard, Boston could get him.

For their entire team and farm system -- plus cash incentives and Wilpon's left nut, the Mets could get him.

For Alphonso, SuperFrankenstein and Whitey Fraud, this blog could get him.



  1. Alphonso is the future Ace?

    Reading this blog is like being a Pittsburgh Pirates fan.

  2. Wow, Anonymous, it took you a while to figure out something that we here at It Is High... already know.

  3. "SAN ANTONIO (AP) - A woman charged with murdering her 3 1/2-week-old son used a knife and two swords to dismember the child and ate parts of his body, including his brain, before stabbing herself in the torso and slicing her own throat, police said Monday.

    Otty Sanchez, 33, is charged with capital murder in the death of her infant son, Scott Wesley Buchholtz-Sanchez. She was recovering from her wounds at a hospital, and was being held on $1 million bail."

    OK, Who's the father -- Somebody named Buchholtz from Texas.

    Coincidence? I think not.

  4. The Buchholz on the Sox doesn't have a "t" in his name. To answer your question: coincidence, I think so.

  5. Ghost,

    You're assuming she knew him well enough to know how to spell his hame on the birth certificate.

    Not likely

  6. A Respectful and Thankful FonzyJuly 29, 2009 at 2:52 PM

    I can pitch. But I was better at third.

    Unfortunately, when I was eligible we had Craig Nettles at third.

    When I got out of Attica, we had Brosius at third.

    So I went to Mexico.


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