Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Rob Roy or Halladay on Ice: Eight Disturbing and Conflicting Facts Yank fans should know about Toronto GM JP Ricciardi

Is he on our side... or theirs? Consider:

1. He grew up in Worcester, Mass — a Redsock hotbed.

2. He was a Mets minor league infielder with a career average under .200.

3. He started his second career as a minor league coach in the Yankees system.

4. He roots avidly for the Boston Bruins and Boston Celtics.

5. He has a son named Mariano.

6. His contract in Toronto ends in 2010.

7. He once said of public statements, "They're not lies if we know the truth."

8. Upon arriving in Toronto, his first big deal was to get Eric Hinske.

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