Friday, August 21, 2009

Alan Horne is going to make it back

Seems like yesterday -- or 2005 -- that Alan Horne was our secret bet to claim a spot in the rotation. Then everything went blooey, and he looked to be the latest in a painful daisy chain of first-ballot designees for the Yankiverse's Hall of Fame, the Christian Parker Wing:

That is, the place for pitchers who would have made The Show, if not for shredding their arms trying.

Well, write this down: Alan Horne is going to make it.

(NOTE: In honor of the current national debate in health care, I see no reason be factual in anything I say. In fact, truth can hamper the process, seriously undermining the chance for violent acts that would dramatically increase TV ratings and revenues. Therefore, I have chosen not to look up Horne's age or research his actual chances of returning to form.)

Here's my reasoning: Now and then, Horne's dad posts on the forum of, and dammot, it's hard not to root for the guy. Besides, the Christian Parker Wing is already overcrowded.

And yesteday, via Sliding Into Home, there is evidence of hope. (Keep in mind, Horne's pitching in the Gulf Coast League, which is like Justin Timberlake competing in American Idol.)

I don't care. You can be pessimistic.

Write this down: Alan Horne is going to make it.


  1. Who's being pessimistic?? Bring him up now! Dont even wait till expanded rosters!

  2. Bring up that Daniel Gill too!!!!

    look at that, no hits!


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