Saturday, August 1, 2009

American League Losers Continue Assault on Yankees

So I'm sitting at the bar in the Cantina yesterday, awaiting the second game of our South Mexican Dirt Field League double-header against the
Colorado ( Mexico ) Fire Ants, and a report comes over ESPN Mexicana on the black and white TV in the corner.

It reads:

"Yankees lose second in a row to no-name pitchers on White Sox. Sox trade top prospects for Jake Peavy ( on the DL ) who has vowed never to play in Chicago."

Then, I see this " scroll " across the bottom of the screen, from Cleveland:

Cleveland trades 3 time all star Victor Martinez to Red Sox. Cleveland to get:

1. Carton of slightly used resin bags.
2. An unused anchor for second base.
3, A day-glo plastic Jesus.
4. Two over-sized catchers mitts.
5. A picture of Willie Mays' catch off Vic Wertz in the 1954 World Series.

Boston gets a .297 hitting switch hitter who drives in at least 90 runs a year and can play first base as well as catch. And he's young.

Cleveland accepts , as their end of this balanced trade, 10% of what the Twins got for Santana.

Boston did not have to give up one prospect with more upside than Andrew Brackman of the Yankee's A-ball team.

How does this happen?

Other teams demand from the Yankees, Hughes, Cano, Joba, and Melky at the front-end of any package for anyone still breathing. Then, we have to let the other side pick three from Austin Jackson, Mark Melancon, Jesus of Nazareth, and Frankie Cervelli.

For which, we get a 33 year-old back-up with arm trouble, bad knees and a 4 year contract with $15 million due each year.

Now I see why we are so insistent that Cashman do nothing.

Someone out there really hates us.

Pass the tequila, please, and roll over a couple of those pickled eggs.

And turn off that television.


  1. Look on the bright side, it reduces the chance they sign Joe Mauer.

  2. Its because the rest of the league sees whats coming from the Yankee farm system and wants to break it up.

    Do you see it? Over that horizon.. Is that a world class catcher? How many aces do you count? Oh god is that a center fielder? Its 1994 all over again.

    Be afraid.


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