Monday, August 31, 2009

Andy perfect through six, and if he keeps this up, I will just have to do this every other inning, right?

Not that it matters.

Whatever will happen, will happen.

There is absolutely no connection whatsoever with the events in the broadcast booth, or online, or in your living room to the events that take place in a baseball stadium hundreds of miles away.

None whatsoever. We are beyond magical thinking. We are rational human beings. We are modern man and modern woman. Scientists. Knowledge sponges. Futurists. We do not believe in ghosts. I personally don't even believe that for every drop of rain that falls, a flower grows. Do the math.

There is only one reality. Andy is perfect through six.


  1. Jim Leyritz's CellmateAugust 31, 2009 at 9:23 PM

    Jerry fucking Hairston Jr.

    That's all I can muster right now...

  2. Agreed. So pissed. This game had a certain feel to it.

    Either way I'd bring him back next year if a spot is open. He's had a good bat and other than that one play has done a good job fielding numerous positions.

  3. this your fault duque

  4. Jim Leyritz's CellmateAugust 31, 2009 at 9:55 PM

    On the other hand, I do like the move of bringing Bruney in long enough to turn it into a save situation so Mo could finally get some work. Guy hasn't broken a sweat in what seems like weeks.


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