Thursday, August 20, 2009

Barney Franks Confronts Woman in Town Meeting Who Compares Teixtiera to Giambi

"You stand there and say they're equal in the field? This is insane! This is a testament to freedom of speech that you can be allowed to spread such idiotic misinformation. What team are you watching?"


  1. I dont know what this is about but it sounds just like him. Was that a real quote?

  2. Prediction - Anonymous commenters slam poster who spells "Teixiera" as "Teixtiera".

  3. dadlak what are you talking about clearly you have forgotten duque misspelled the name of the loveable genie from pee wee's playhouse.... its JAMBI DUQUE!

    geez, anonymous always needs to correct you...

  4. And the lisping congressman who once ran an all male bordello out of his DC apartment has no 's' in last name.

    Although he adds a lot of 's' -s to his spoken statements for some reason.

  5. Anonymous - I'm new to the site. Please forgive me if I don't know all the inside jokes. Will try to do better next time. After reading "The Reagan", I realize that El Duque is a genius.

  6. Wait just a damn minute.

    El Duque does not stand for genius. It stands for a Cuban pitcher who loved to wear stirrups, and was great in big games.

    The genius on this site is John Sterling.

    El Duque is a secret code name designed on a late January evening on a lake in the Syracuse area, after years of careful planning.

    Duque may be clever and heroic, but he can't do the NY Times Saturday puzzle in ink.

    Only Alphonso can do that.


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