Thursday, August 20, 2009

Did You See This Tweet From Last Week? Doesn't It Look Like The Turd Has A Future As John's Successor?

I know John thinks he's being all modern 'n' shit with the "Tex message" call, but from now on I want to hear "Texsual healing" when MVP goes high/far/gone. Also -- and forgive me for making you wait for this, it's been days since I've blogged because I've been living what people offline call a "life" -- did you see the Neil Best thing in Newsday last Friday? The profile of John that mentioned this one awesome Yankees blog?
The most frequent complaint is his anticipating of plays, often wrongly. There even is a blog dedicated to him under the banner, "It is high, it is far, it is . . . caught.''
Yes, there even is, Newsday... and thank you for giving our John a chance to fight back against the haters! And to bring the discussion back around to my original point, Suzyn, Newsday's Neil Best made a sidebar about John's home run calls, and it reveals who thought up "Swishilicious!" Answer: who do you think?
Nick Swisher didn't like "Jolly Old St. Nick,'' telling Sterling, "It makes me seem fat and old.'' So he suggested "Swishilicious,'' a nickname from his Oakland days.


  1. Is it odd I feel strangle informed and satisfied reading this?

  2. i wrote strangle instead of strangely. back to the basement.


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