Thursday, August 20, 2009

John & Suzyn in "Marty Dodges the Whip"


  1. A menage a trois in the making?

  2. Hi,
    My name is Richie Denis i'm the director of business development at Evan Brunell informed me a while back that he contacted you about possibly contributing to MVN. Since then we've experienced some changes such as a new community where bloggers can talk to each other about their teams, blogs and everything else in between. We're currently looking for another Yankees blog or blogger to complement our newest blog I-Yankees.

    We do not require your blog to move over, we could either set up one of your writers as a contributer to MVN, to post articles and link them back to your site at blogspot. This would increase traffic to your blog and provide us with excellent Yankees content. Along with your content, we would post a 100x300 pixel banner on our Yankees community page, and any Yankees article written.

    There is another option where you could start your own basic Yankees blog and have a few of your writers contribute once a week, with this option you could also promote your Yankees blog through MVN.

    The final option would be to move your blog over. We've talked about this before however Evan informed me that you had no interest in this. I totally understand the reasons for this, however we're now capable of transitioning your blog to MVN as well as keeping your blog on blogspot for up to a month, so that the transition moves as quickly as possible.

    Some of the benefits of MVN include over 1 million page views monthly 70% unique viewers.

    24x7 wed admin assistance, so your 2 am blogging questions can be answered. We also assist in getting you ad revenues from your blog by helping you to set up the ads you may have acquired else where. Nothing from your old blog would be lost, we can transition comments, archives, side bar links, everything you name it we can move it over.

    Also being a part of MVN allows you to receive press passes free of charge to any minor league event, NCAA, some NFL, MLB, etc. You'll have to check with your local ballpark to see if MVN credentials apply. (Most recently we were able to get one of our bloggers into Fenway Park's press box for a day game)

    Let me know if anything has changed. We'd love to have a blog of your quality aboard.

    Please note that currently we are not offering paid positions, however from time to time paid positions open up and are awarded to the bloggers who create the greatest amount of readership and prove their blog to bring revenue to

    Let me know either way!

    Richie Denis
    Director of Business Development
    Most Valuable Network

  3. Well, folks...

    This blog is simply a means for us lifelong Yankee nutjobs to supplement the enjoyment we already have of being Yankee nutjobs.

    Should we do this? What are the advantages? What are the pitfalls? Anybody know?

  4. Part of me thinks you should go ahead so you can spread the brilliance that is John Sterling to the rest of the world...but a larger part of me thinks you need to shield the world from Alph

  5. Simple.

    Press pass to meet John.

    Or else drop dead.


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