Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Remember that Santana deal? The one we blew?

"How good is this Yankee package? Hughes is the surest thing, and he has a questionable work ethic and more of an injury history at 21 than Santana at 28. There are many baseball people who like Kennedy more than Hughes, but just as many who think he is a fifth starter. It is possible that outside of a strong Yankee lineup that protects him, Cabrera would be a fourth outfielder. The idea that all of these players are going to play well for a long period for the Yanks is folly, whereas barring catastrophic injury Santana is close to a sure thing."


  1. Cashman is a genius!!!

    CC, Melky, Hughes, and Kennedy>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Santana, who is now injured and had shown sign of decline at the time with diminished fastball velocity and less strikeouts.

  2. Yeah, for your argument's sake, just take Ian "Throws Like a Girl?" Kennedy out of the equation. Pretend the Twins weren't even considering asking for him.


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