Friday, August 21, 2009

Three reasons we don't want to sweep Boston

1. No matter what happens, Boston will rally in September. This notion that we'd "knock them out of the race" this weekend? Forget it. They have too many veterans. The Rangers or Rays are more likely to fold. Expect Boston to be in the post-season. Which means...

2. We're better off not sweeping them. I'm serious. If we roll them, despite the obvious pleasure it'll bring, they'll regroup and turn mean, while we grow comfy-cozy. We gotta win one game, maybe two. Save the sweep for October.

3. No matter what happens, there's a whole frickin month left. We could lose three at Fenway, then turn around and win the next 10. We cannot blow first place this weekend. But we need one game. Two is gravy. Three... we've peaked too soon.

I know the above is blasphemy. But think of it this way:

They won the first eight.

If we win the next seven, won't the pendulum be shifting their way... and in October?


  1. No. This team is a freight train. Get off the tracks.

  2. Whats great about baseball is that today's game has nothing to do about tomorrow.


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