Thursday, October 29, 2009

10 Hopeful Signs for the Yankees Last Night

1. Taking a month off hasn't affected Brian Bruney one bit!

2. Phil Hughes really told off that ump!

3. We didn't waste Mariano!

4. Alec Baldwin, looking thin!

5. Ha, ha! Tough guy Cliff Lee couldn't pitch a no-hitter!

6. New Flaming Lips album, soon in stores!

7. Damaso Frucking Marte!

8. Nobody can accuse Girardi of over-managing!

9. Another day of inactivity for Philly bullpen!

10. If swept, we'll never have to face Lee again!


  1. Any chance you guys can find the audio of Sterling calling the play "dead" when Matsui got doubled up. John did a long rant about how once Rollins catches the ball that the play is "dead."

  2. John's depth of baseball knowledge is flabbergasting.

  3. I'll look for it tonight... if I have any energy left.


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