Thursday, October 15, 2009

If Rush owned the Yankees... let me count the effects..

There's an online poll you can vote in.

Ahhhh, if only Rush owned the Yankees...

1. Black catchers won't receive such fauning, preferential media treatment.

2. Injured players receive finest pain-killers money can buy, from doctor of their choice.

3. Instead of Jeep, the Yankees Radio Network driven by CompuServe.

4. Whatever the manager does, the fans all agree with.

5. All team personnel avoids military service.

6. P.A. system announces opposing team with demeaning nicknames.

7. No worries about undeserving children inheriting team.

8. Bleacher seats throughout stadium widened by six inches.

9. During 7th inning stretch, staggering grounds crew make fun of Michael J. Fox.

10. Instead of pre-game National Anthem, stadium sings "Barack the Magic Negro."


  1. 11. Cigar smoking mandatory in every seat.

    12. All shuttle buses come equipped with black kids beating up white kids.

    13. Jumbotron shows sketchy video highlights of owner sitting in front of microphone, alone, braying to the world like a combination of Father Caughlin and Howard Hughes.

  2. 14. Keith Olbermann will be banned from the Stadium and will be forced to give his season tickets to Bill "Loofah" O'Reilly.

  3. #15, Yankees become official team of the Fox News Network.

    props to el duque, LOVE #6.

  4. Thanks for mentioning my poll, guys. Let's exchange links! I'll add you to my blogroll today.


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