Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Krakatoa, East of Hackensack: Imagine the ovations if Joe Torre and Don Mattingly come to Yankee Stadium

It's time to start thinking of THE MOMENT.

Opening of 2009 World Series.

Announcement of the starting lineups.

Each player jogging to the baseline.

Most players, minor applause.

Jeff Weaver, booing.

Manny Ramirez, louder booing.

Then a lull...

Manager of the Dodgers... (name obscured by ovation)

And later, hitting coach... (name obscured)

It's time to imagine it.


  1. There will be boo's as well during Torre's intro.

    There will be none for Mattingly. Only cheering, louder and longer.

  2. Since when do they introduce the batting coach.

    Go get me a glass of water Mattingly. Theyre calling the important peoples names today.


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